Desde ese punto de vista, mi viaje a Costa Rica fue viaje completo y más, porque siempre tuve la suerte de poder compartir y disfrutar de la hospitalidad del Costarricense, generoso y cálido, que
me acompañó durante toda la estadía.

A trip is half a trip if you cannot get to know the people living in the country and talk to them in order to understand their lifestyle.
From that point of view my trip to Costa Rica was a sucess and more, because I always had the pleasure of sharing and enjoying the Tico's hospitality. People in Costa Rica are generous and warm and I want to thank them for all their assistence during my trip.
Doña Carmen me alojó, alimentó y aconsejó de la mejor manera. Organizó encuentros, excursiones y fue siempre una compañera dispuesta a contar, aclarar y sobre todo escuchar, a pesar de que no estaba bien de salud. ¡Muchas Gracias!
Doña Carmen hosted me at her place, sh
e also gave me plenty of food and advise. She organized meetings, tours and was always the best partner when it came to telling and explaining, but also to listening, although her health was giving her trouble. Thank you very much!

Sus hijos y nietos no se quedaron atrás y me pasearon y guiaron en más de una oportunidad. Son guías de lujo porque conocen y aman su país.
Her sons and grandsons were also there for me. They drove me around and guided me more than once. They are the perfect guides because they don't only know the country, they love it!

Son tantos los buenos amigos y los buenos momentos que no alcanzarían varios blogs para recordarlos a todos. GRACIAS de todo corazón, el viaje fue inolvidable gracias a todos y cada uno de ustedes.
There were so many good friends and wonderfull moments that ten blogs would not be enough to express them my gratitud. THANK YOU from the deepest of my heart. This trip was great just because of each and everyone of you!
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